16 - 20 September 2019
Krasnoyarsk, Russia

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Peter Polyakov, Michel Reverdy, Stephan Beaulieu, Andrey Panov, Matthieu Arlettaz, Yuriy Frantsev, Vinko Potocnik and Victor Buzunov,


The 37th International Conference and Exhibition of ICSOBA (The International Committee for Study of Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium) was held from 16 to 20 September 2019 in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. The joint event with 25th “Aluminium of Siberia” Conference within XI International Congress & Exhibition “Non-Ferrous Metals and Minerals” (NFM). Third ICSOBA conference in Russia (after earlier congresses of 2004 and 2013).

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Сonference materials

KN01 - UC RUSAL Technology and Product Development
KN02 - The Use of Aluminium in Automotive Industry
KN03 - Opportunities and Challenges of Indian Aluminium Industry
KN04 - Historical Development of the Largest Aluminium Smelter in the Middle East
KN05 - Prebaked Anode Market and Production Overview in China
KN06 - Current Situation of Alumina Industry in China and its Technical Demand
KN07 - REGAL: A Successful Model of Collaboration for Innovation between University and Aluminium Industry
KN08 - An Overview of the Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Markets and their Costs
BX01 - The Quality of Bauxites from Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro Processed by the Alumina DOO Zvornik between 2014 and 2018
BX02 - Development of Technology for Carbonate Removal from North Urals Bauxite at RUSAL Krasnoturyinsk
BX03 - Reducing Reactive Silica Content in Washed Bauxite
BX04 - Concentration Machinery and Equipment in Alumina Refining
BX05 - Development of a Probabilistic Model for Water Management on a Bauxite Mining Site
BX06 - Development of Business Intelligence Reports for KPI Management on a Bauxite Mine
BX07 - Biodiversity Research Consortium (BRC): A technical and scientific partnership in search of "State of the Art" Mined Area Recovery
BX08 - Human Asset Management: How to Increase the Delivery Capacity of Maintenance Human Potential at Hydro Paragominas
AA01 - The Road to a New Bauxite – Mine and Refinery Optimisation
AA02 - Digestion of Boehmitic Bauxites: Problems, Challenges and Opportunities
AA03 - Impurities in Bayer Liquor: Learnings from the Ma’aden Alumina Refinery
AA04 - Effect of CaO on Leaching Kinetics of Boehmite from Middle Timan Deposit Bauxites
AA05 - Effect of Bauxite Mineralogy on Bayer Digestion Process Selection
AA06 - Digestion-Evaporation Combined Process in Alumina Refinery
AA07 - Improvement of Spent Liquor Evaporation at RUSAL Krasnoturyinsk
AA08 - Mechanical Vapour Recompression applied to Alumina Spent Liquor Evaporation Plants
AA09 - Industrial Trials of a Belt Filter for Filtration of Strong Evaporated Liquor at RUSAL Krasnoturyinsk
AA10 - Settling Ability of Jamaican Bauxite Residue based on Bauxite Feed Constituents and Vessel Design
AA11 - Simulation of Solids Flocculation by CFD-PBM Method
AA12 - Improvement of Digested Slurry Post-Desilication Efficiency in the Flashing Circuit at Nikolaev Alumina Refinery
AA13 - Industrial Trials of Spent Tricalcium Aluminate Recycling into Digestion Process of Timan Bauxite (Stage 1)
AA14 - The Hydrothermal Treatment of Aluminium Hydroxide to Improve Alumina Production Efficiency
AA15 - Control of Product Size and Strength with Challenging Impurity Balance
AA16 - Optimization of Alumina Precipitation Circuit Arrangement using Simple Modelling Tool
AA17 - Statistical Analysis of Aluminate Liquor Precipitation Process with Statistica: Classic and Modern Data Mining Methods
AA18 - Estimation and Optimization Calculations of Alumina Flash Calciner
AA19 -  Experience Driven Design Improvements of Gas Suspension Calciners 
AA20 -  Production of Ceramic and Smelter Grade Alumina in Outotec’s Dual Purpose CFB Calciner  
AA21 -   Customized Descaling Robot Arms Still today, Descaling Robot Arms improve Health and Safety while increasing productivity
AA22 -   The Driverless Alumina Refinery 
AA23 -   Development the means of modeling the processes and the systems of alumina production 
AA24 -   Calculation of the Ionic Composition of Aluminate Solutions 
AA25 - Techno-Commercial Evaluation of Chloride Based Production Routes for Technology Metals and Materials 
AA26 - The Altech Process to Produce High Purity Alumina from Kaolin Clay 
AA27 - RUSAL Alumochloride Technology – Efficient and Waste-Free Alumina Production from Non-Bauxite Resource 
AA28 - Synthesis of Oxide Materials by Hydrothermal Hydrolysis of Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate 
AA29 - Research Results and Prospects for Acid-Salt Processing of Low Quality Bauxites and Other Alumina-Containing Raw Materials in a Closed Circuit 
AA30 - Extraction of Alumina from the Coal Fly Ash by Hydrochloric Acid
AA31 - Extracting Alumina From Coal Fly Ash With Ammonium Bisulfate Leaching
AA32 - Egyptian Aluminum-containing Raw Materials and the Prospects for its Integrated Processing to Produce Alumina and By-products 
AA33 - Low-Alkaline Fine Alumina for Ceramic Industry 
AA34 - The Alumina Technology Roadmap 4.0 
AA35 - Comparison of Alumina Production Process from Low Grade Refractory Bauxite
BR01 - Specifics of Alkali Recovery from Bauxite Residue of Different Alumina Refineries
BR02 - Dealkalization of Bauxite residue through Acid Neutralization and its Revegetation Potential 
BR03 - Cementitious Activity Evaluation of Bauxite Residue and Fly ash combination on Portland Blended Cement
BR04 - Industrial Trials Results of Scandium Oxide Recovery from Red Mud at UC RUSAL Alumina Refineries 
BR05 - Valorization of Canadian Bauxite Residue for the Recovery of Strategic Materials 
BR06 - Bauxite Residue Safety Disposal and Possibilities to further Utilisation. II.Maize Plants Growth on the Acidic Soils (Pilot and DemonstrationStage) 
BR07 - A comparison between various pump systems for high flow rate tailing pipelines 
BR08 - State-of-the-art Bauxite Tailings Disposal Facilities and Techniques
BR09 - Utilization of the Paragominas mining tailings to obtain FAU zeolite: Synthesis optimization using a factorial DOE and Response Surface Methodology 
BR10 - Experimental study on physical and mechanical properties of red mud under different compaction degree and water content 
BR11 - The Study of Tailings at Mina Alumina Limited, Mozambique  
BR12 - The preparation, structure and magnetic separation characteristics of high-ferric and low-alkali content red mud  
CB01 - Anhydrous Carbon Pellets – An Engineered CPC Raw Material
CB02 - Rheological Characterization of Pitch and Binder Matrix at Different Fine Particle Concentration 
CB03 - The Use of Petroleum Components for Preparing a Pitch Binder for Anode Pastes
CB04 - New Insights toward the Characterization of the Carbon Paste Forming Process 
CB05 - Successful Experience in Organising Baked Anode Production at RUSAL Volgograd 
CB06 - Major reconstruction of central casing of open top baking furnace with a view to increase its lifespan and reduce the total costs comparing to full reconstruction 
CB07 - R & D of the JSC BRP for RUSAL’s Projects for Reconstruction of Furnaces for the Production of Carbon Materials 
CB08 -  Real Anode Temperature Measuring - From Investigations to a New Standard  
CB09 -  Carbon Cathode Block Materials: A History of Advancements 
CB10 -  Nondestructive Control of Physico-Mechanical Properties and Quality of Carbon Materials and Products Used in the Production of Aluminum  
CB11 -  Electrical Preheating of Cathode Blocks for Collector Bar Casting in Aluminum Electrolysis Cells 
AL01 - Linking Electrochemistry, Modern Aluminium Cell Design and Operating Conditions, for a Better Understanding of Anode Reactions and Various Levels of PFC Co-evolution
AL02 - Linking Electrochemistry, Modern Aluminium Cell Design and Operating Conditions, for a Better Understanding of Anode Reactions and Various Levels of PFC Co-evolution
AL03 -  Latest Progress in IPCC Methodology for Estimating the Extent of PFC Greenhouse Gases Co-evolved in the Aluminium Reduction Cell and Challenges in Reducing these Emissions 
AL04 -   Recycling of Solid Wastes in Aluminum Electrolysis in China 
AL05 -  Environmental Benefits of Using Spent Pot Lining (SPL) in Cement Production 
AL06 - Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Electrolysis Process in EGA Smelters 
AL07 - Energy Optimization and Emissions Improvement in Fume Treatment in EGA Jebel Ali Smelter  
AL08 -  The Simulation of Alumina Feed in the Reactor of Dry Gas Treatment Plant 
AL09 -   Catalytic Decomposition of Perfluorinated Carbons (PFCs) During the Aluminium Smelting Process 
AL10 -  Laboratory Study of a Technology for the Treatment of Aluminum Smelter Liquid Wastes with Alumina 
AL11 -  Enhancement of the RA-550 Technology: Issues and Their Solutions 
AL12 - Commissioning and Start-up of Alba Line 6 Project Using EGA DX+ Ultra Technology 
AL13 -  RUSAL Resource-Saving Technologies 
AL14 -   Second Attempt to Break 10 kWh/kg Energy Consumption Barrier Using a Wide Cell Design 
AL15 -  360 kA Hall-Héroult Cell Retrofit Using Inert Anodes and Stable Cathodes 
AL16 -   Observation of Alumina Dissolution and Bubble Behavior in Molten Salts with High Temperature Transparent Electrolytic Cell 
AL17 -    The Structure of the Aluminium Smelting Cell Ledge 
AL18 -  An Automated Reference-Free Rietveld-Method-Based X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Cryolite Ratio 
AL19 -   Electrolysis of Cryolite-Alumina Melts on Solid Cathodes 
AL20 - New Study and Application of Intelligent Breaking Control Device for Aluminium Reduction Pot in the MPPIC Technology 
AL21 -  Concepts for Alumina Handling in Smelters - Efficiency from Port to Pot 
AL22 -   Enriched Alumina Silos: What Is Their Purpose, Are They Still Required? 
AL23 -   Mathematical Modeling and Application of a Continuous Alumina Feeding to Potroom 
AL24 - Overview of the Application of Mathematical Modelling in the Aluminium Production of UC RUSAL 
AL25 -  Electromagnetic Modeling of Aluminium Electrolysis Cells Using Magnetic Vector Potential 
AL26 -  Design of Smelter Magnetic Solutions Using MHD Code 
AL27 -  Improving Reliability and Reducing Electric Energy Losses in the 'Rod–Yoke' Connections 
AL28 -   Cathode Wear – Autopsy Findings Related to Degradation Mechanisms 
AL29 -   AD20+: A More Ecofriendly Glue for Aluminum Pot Sides with Improved Properties 
AL30 -   Analysis of Cathode Lining Failure Modes in High Current Density Cells at EGA 
AL31 -   Laboratory Evaluations of Ceramic Sidelining Materials 
AL32 -   Cathode Life and Failure in a High Amperage CWPB Potline 
AL33 -   Successful Potline Operation During Reduced Power at Egyptalum  
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AA33 - Low-Alkaline Fine Alumina for Ceramic Industry 

Authors: Andrey Sakulin, Alla Margishvili, Sergey Gershkovich, Vladimir Skurikhin

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