29 October – 1 November 2018
Belem, Brazil

Host sponsor



Michel Reverdy, Robert Lamacchia, Andrey Panov, Matthieu Arlettaz, Vinko Potocnik


The 36th International Conference and Exhibition of ICSOBA (The International Committee for Study of Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium) was held from 29 October to 1 November 2018 in Belem, Brazil. Third ICSOBA conference in Brazil (after earlier events of 2012 in Belem and 1988 in Poços de Caldas).

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Сonference materials

KN01 - Aspects to Consider in Alumina Refining Design
KN02 - Strategic Route for the Aluminum Chain in Brazil
KN03 - Operational Excellence through Lean Management
KN04 - The Current Situation and Prospect of Chinese Aluminum Market
KN05 - Aluminium: Current Drivers and Future Outlook
KN06 - Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Market Overview and Costs Analysis
KN07 - RUSAL’s Sustainable Development Technology and Environment
BX01 - The Barrol Alto Bauxite Mine A New and Wholy Exploitable Deposit in Goias State, Central Brazil
BX02 - New Discovery of Bauxite in Serra da Prata, Center of Roraima State, Extreme North of Brazil
BX03 - An Introduction to Bel Air Bauxite
BX04 - The Effect of Regulators on Flotation Desulfurization of High-sulfur Bauxites
BX05 - The Evolution of Bauxite Mining in Jamaica – Modern Challenges for a Mature Industry
BX06 - Research into the Behavior of Bauxite During Shipping: An Overview of the Global Bauxite
BX07 - Development of a Model to Predict Average Moisture of Bauxite Shipments from Moisture of the Stockpile, Residence Time and Rainfall
BX08 - Reduction of Hydrated Lime Consumption in a Bauxite Beneficiation Plant
BX09 - Digital Transformation Applied to Bauxite and Alumina Business System – BABS 4.0
BX10 - RISCO ZERO Program – Technological Innovation for Safety Culture Development
BX11 - Near Infra-Red Based Online Mineral Phase Analysis of Bauxite
BX12 - Determination and Inaccuracies in Estimation of Bauxite Extractable and Mineralogical Constituents
BX13 - Adsorbed Soda Investigations at Alunorte
BX14 - A Novel Experimental Apparatus for Red Side Studies
BX15 - Estimation of AvAl2O3 and RxSiO2 by Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR) on XRD data: A Case Study Using Low Grade Bauxites
AA01 - Transformation of a Dual Stream Low Temperature Digestion Facility
AA02 - Boehmite Bauxite Usage at Low Temperature Digestion: A Case Study at Alumar Refinery
AA03 - Marginal Cost Analysis in Process Decision Making
AA04 - Digital Maturity in Alumina Refining
AA05 - Mathematical Model for Estimation of Thermal Energy Consumption in an Alumina Refinery
AA06 - Use of Double Hose-Diaphragm Pumps in the Bayer Process for Alumina Production
AA07 - Laboratory Settling Tests Applied to Define Bauxite Consumption Strategy in Alumina Refinery
AA08 - Effect of Various Factors on Particle Size Distribution of Tricalcium Aluminate
AA09 - Autoprecipitation Modelling in a Thickener
AA10 - Filtration Efficiency of Tricalcium Aluminate Filter Aid Synthesized with Batch and Continuous Stirred Reactors
AA11 - Application of Low Molecular Weight Dextran for Improved Security Filtration
AA12 - Increased Flow Rate and Reduced Filtration Cost by Using Scale Retardant Filter Technology for Bayer Liquor Clarification
AA13 - Hydrocycloning Technology Contribution to Productivity Improvement through Fines Loss Recovery and Seed Classification
AA14 - Reduction of Energy Consumption Improving the Calciners’ Efficiency
AA15 - What Operators Always Desired – the Innovative Light Weight Plastic Segment for Big Diameter Disc Filters
AA16 - Advanced Process Control and Optimization of Alumina Calciners
AA17 - Outotec® Pretium Calciner Optimizer – Integrating Process Know-How into Daily Operations
AA18 - Alumina Quality and Yield Improvements at Alunorte
BR01 - The Failure of the Embankment of the Red Mud reservoir at Ajka (Hungary)
BR02 - Approaches to Bauxite Residue Legacy Issues in Jamaica
BR03 - Dry Stacking – Filtration of Bauxite Residue with Filter Presses
BR04 - Implementation and Optimization of Filter Press in Red Mud Washing Process at Eti Aluminium
BR05 - Development of Low-Carbon, High-Durability Concrete Using Bauxite Residue and Aluminium
BR06 - Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrocalumite-type Material Employing
BR07 - Recovery of Rare Earth Elements and Refractory Metals from Bauxite Residue
BR08 - Alternative Method of Moisture Determination in Bauxite Residue from Press Filters
BR09 - The Use of Red Mud and Kaolin Waste in the Production of a New Building Material: Pozzolanic Pigment for Colored Concrete and Mortar
BR10 - A New Approach for Red Mud Disposal Based on Mineral Paste Production
CB01 - Hydrodesulfurization of Petroleum Coke
CB02 - "Rheological Characterization of Pitch and Binder Matrix "
CB03 - Superfine Grinding of CPC with Ball Race Mills – Challenges and Solutions
CB04 - Comparison of Pilot Anode Production and Testing Between Two Laboratories and Ability to Simulate Full Scale Anodes
CB05 - Controlling the Electrical Resistivity of Vacuum Vibrated Anodes while Maintaining High Density
CB06 - Effects of Water Cooling of Green Anodes on Anode Furnace Operation
CB07 - Thermomechanical Characterization of the Carbon Anode During Baking
CB08 - Optimization of Combustion in Anode Baking Furnaces Due to Heavy Oil Injection Algorithm Development
CB09 - Increased Reliability and Anode Quality by Using Statistical Process Control Tool at Paste Plant
AL01 - Review of Thermal and Electrical Modelling and Validation Approaches for Anode Design in Aluminium Reduction Cells
AL02 - A Machine Learning Approach to Early Detection of Incorrect Anode Positioning in an Aluminum Electrolysis Cell
AL03 - Development of a Clean Sealing Paste with Improved Electrical Properties
AL04 - Electromechanical Characterization of the Ramming Paste and the Aging Effect on its Performance
AL05 - Pitting on Carbon Cathodes in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells
AL06 - Upgrade and Innovation of a Multivariate Process Parameters Intelligent Control (MPPIC) Technology for Aluminum Reduction Cells
AL07 - Amperage Increase from 340 kA to 425 kA in EGA DX Technology
AL08 - The Challenge to Replace the First Generation Pots Following a Rapid Successful Startup of a Large Number of Pots
AL09 - Preheat and Start-up Practice of SAMI SY 300 kA Prebake Pots at ETI Aluminium
AL10 - Thermal Behavior of Cathode Bottom Lining at CBA
AL11 - Integrated Power Outage Restoration Capability System (IPORS) in Potlines
AL12 - Smart Mobile Earthing Trolley (SET) to Operate Aluminium Smelter Potline with Fixed Null Point
AL13 - Measurement of Temperature Dependence of Electrical Insulation Resistance of Epoxy Grout and Two Industrial Laminates for Busbar Insulation
AL14 - Environmental Aspects of UC RUSAL’s Aluminum Smelters Sustainable Development
AL15 - Upgrade of Fume Treatment Plants 1 and 2 of D18+ Potline in EGA Jebel Ali Smelter
AL16 - Electrolytic Cell Fume Cooling Technology: Case Study in Ma’aden Aluminium
AL17 - Enhancement on Gaseous Fluoride and Sulfur Dioxide Emission Performance of the Outer Compartments at EGA Al Taweelah Smelter Gas Treatment Center (GTC)
AL18 - Environmental Improvements at Albras through Joint Venture Project
AL19 - The Effect of Alumina Attrition Index on Breakage in Transport and Handling
AL20 - Elemental Analysis of Secondary Alumina and Phase Analysis of Alumina-Containing Materials
AL21 - Fundamentals of Managing Spent Potlining (SPL)
AL22 - SPL and Red Mud: Value Creation from Hazardous Wastes
AL23 - Paradigm Shift in the Indication of a Stable Cell during Power Modulation
AL24 - Installation and Commissioning of a Magnetic Compensation Loop and Booster Rectifier Circuit by Means of Reliable and Economically Efficient Bolted Joints " "
AL25 - Pot Bypass Arrangement – Lifeline of Potlines
AL26 - Hydraulic Wedge Puller Device “Quick Start” for Removing Wedges when Energizing an Electrolysis Cell in Aluminium Smelter
AL27 - Networking and Centralized Monitoring Station of Pot Tending Assembly
AL28 - Crane for Maintenance of Potroom Building Rails
AL29 - Extension of Life of Cranes in Aluminium Smelters
AL30 - In-house Test Rig Facility for Pot Tending Machines
AL31 - Numerical Modeling of the Alumina Distribution in Aluar Cells
AL32 - 3D Flow of Deposits on the Surface of Cathode Blocks in an Aluminium Electrolysis Cell
AL33 - VirtualBatteryFoam: A Multi-physics Numerical Solver to Simulate the Aluminium Electrolysis Process
AL34 - Analysis of Turbulence of Aluminium and Molten Cryolite in the Aluminium Electrolysis Cell
AL35 - Stability Analysis of Interfacial Waves in Hall-Héroult Process: Feasibility Study
AL36 - Adaptive Fuzzy Controller to Regulate Anode Covering Material Recipe
AL37 - Application of Aluminium Metal Business System (AMBS) Principles and Tools to Increase Productivity of Anode Covering Material Plants
AL38 - X-ray Diffraction (XRD) – from Bath Composition towards Superheat
AL39 - MHD Analysis to Improve the Flow Profile in High Amperage Cells
DS01 - Optimizing Sidewell Furnaces Through Mathematical Modelling
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CB07 - Thermomechanical Characterization of the Carbon Anode During Baking

Authors: Soufiane Zaglafi, Bowen Chen, Donald Picard, Houshang Alamdari

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