3 to 6 October 2016
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Host sponsor

Rio Tinto



Michel Reverdy, Steve Healy, Roberto Seno, Matthieu Arlettaz, Vinko Potocnik, Viktor Buzunov


34th International Conference and Exhibition of ICSOBA (the International Committee for Study of Bauxite, Alumina & Aluminium) was held in the Hotel Palace Royal in Quebec, Canada, from 3 to 6 October, 2016 in cooperation with Rio Tinto and REGAL (Regroupement Aluminium – Aluminium Research Centre).

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Сonference materials

KN01 - Data Connectivity, a Key Feature of the Smelter of the Future
KN02 - Aluminium in Infrastructures
KN03 - Fostering an Aluminium Culture in Quebec
KN04 - Global Developments in Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium – Past, Present and Future
KN05 - The Amazonic Bauxite - Advantages and Challenges
KN06 - Aluminium Market Outlook
KN07 - Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Market Overview
BX01 - Developing Bauxite Projects – Planning for Quality Product
BX02 - Study of Minor Bauxite Deposits, Madhya Pradesh: Geological Studies and Techno-Economic Evaluation
AA01 - Evolution of Tube Digestion for Alumina Refining
AA02 - Basics in non-Newtonian Mixing for Handling of Tailings and other High Concentrated Slurries
AA03 - Impacts of Pressure Differentials between Flash Tanks on Flash Train Performance
AA04 - Scale Formation in Alumina Refineries
AA05 - A Model for the Shear Thickening Effect of Raking Systems on Red Mud
AA06 - Three Steps to Improved Filtration Performance and Reduced Cost in Times of Limited Capital
AA07 - Vessel Diagnosis in the Bayer Process Using Ferromagnetic Tracers
AA08 - AKW Equipment and Process Design - Expertise in Alumina Refinery
AA09 - Particle Image Validation of a Classifier Hydrodynamic Model
AA10 - Optimizing Alumina Production Utilising Spreadsheet Models Based on Limited Data
AA11 - Energy Consumption Optimization in Alumina Production
AA12 - Lime Use Alternatives and Impacts on Processing Boehmitic Bauxites
AA13 - Large-scale Valorization of Bauxite Residue for Inorganic Polymers
AA14 - Development of Alkaline Aluminosilicates Processing Technology
AA15 - Environmental and Economic Benefits of Bauxite Residue Management through the Use of Pressure Filtration, a Case Study
AA16 - The Role of Green Alumina in Green Aluminium
AA17 - Quantitative Chemical Analysis of Red Mud and Products of its Processing to Scandium, Zirconium and REE Oxides by ICP-AES
AA18 - Sodium Oxalate Salt Cake Degradation when Exposed to Natural Factors in the Disposal Area
AA19 - An Overview on Bauxite Residue Utilization
AA20 - Plasma Reduction Process to Minimise Bauxite Residue
CB01 - Effects of Charcoal Addition on the Final Properties of Carbon Anodes
CB02 - Effects of Bulk Density and Inter-particle Contacts on Electrical Resistivity of Calcined Coke Mixes
CB03 - Paste Plant Self-Cleaning Tar Fumes Ventilation Ducts, Design and Operation
CB04 - Equipment Improvements on Existing Anode Paste Plants
CB05 - Multi-Particle Sedimentation under Vibration
CB06 - Vibroforming and Cooling Sections Revamping of Green Anode Plant Line 2 at EGA Jebel Ali
CB07 - The Effect of Varying Mixing and Baking Temperatures on the Quality of Pilot Scale Anodes – A Factorial Design Analysis
CB08 - Considerations for Selecting an Open Top Anode Baking Furnace Relining Strategy
CB09 - Performance Analysis of a Horizontal Anode Baking Furnace for Aluminum Production
CB10 - Effects of Flue Wall Deformation on Aluminum Anode Baking Homogeneity and Temperature Distribution
CB11 - Thermodynamic Assessment of the Chemical Durability of Refractory Lining in Anode Baking Furnaces
CB12 - Numerical Investigation of the Load Free Permanent Strain in Carbon Anode During Baking Process
CB13 - Optimum Baking Level of Carbon Anodes for Aluminum Production
CB14 - Evolution of Mechanical Properties of Carbon Anodes During Baking
CB15 - Inspection of Prebaked Carbon Anodes Using Multi-Spectral Acousto-Ultrasonic Signals, Wavelet Analysis and Multivariate Statistical Methods
CB16 - Electrical Resistivity Measurement of Carbon Anodes Using Van Der Pauw Method
CB17 - A Non-Destructive Technique for the On-Line Quality Control of Green and Baked Anodes
CB18 - Evolution of Anode Porosity under Air Oxidation: The Unveiling of the Active Pore Size
AL01 - Implementation of D18+ Cell Technology in Potline 1 at EGA Jebel Ali
AL02 - Low Energy Start-Up for Low Energy Cells
AL03 - Development and Deployment of Slotted Anodes Technology at Talum Smelter
AL04 - Design Options to Reduce Specific Energy Consumption in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells
AL05 - Power Supply Outages to Cells in Aluminium Smelters
AL06 - Optimisation of the Performance of Cathode Risk Pots
AL07 - Using SPC Method to Design an Aluminum Fluoride Addition Strategy for Aluminium Electrolysis
AL08 - Factors Affecting Current Efficiency of Hall-Héroult Process Based on the Variation of Sodium 559 Content in Pot Metal
AL09 - Modelling and Design of a Forced Convection Network for Hall-Héroult Cells
AL10 - Economic Simulation-based Decision Support for Cathode Relining Facility
AL11 - Alternative Methods for Process Control in Aluminium Industries - XRD in Combination with PLSR
AL12 - Comparison of Electrochemical Methods to Determine Alumina Concentration in Cryolite Based Bath
AL13 - Metal Tapping Flow Regulation System – A Large Scale Industrial Experience Serge Despinasse
AL14 - Modeling of Aluminum Tapping Operational Management to Enhance Smelter Productivity
AL15 - Recent On-line Measurements of Individual Anode Currents at Alouette
AL16 - Low Voltage Anode Effects and Unreported PFC Emissions
AL17 - First Years of Operation of the Rio Tinto AP 60 OZEOS Gas Treatment Centre: Solid Results and Promising Future
AL18 - In-Duct Scrubber (IDS) - A Commercially Available Technology for Removal of Gaseous Pollutants from an Industrial Facility
AL19 - Update on the Abart Gas Treatment Center Technology
AL20 - Prolonging the Economic Lifetime of GTCs and FTCs
AL21 - Measurement of Pot Gas Exhaust Flowrate and Heat Loss
AL22 - Influence of Hooding Conditions on Gas Composition at the Duct End of an Electrolysis Cell
AL23 - The LCL&L process: A sustainable Solution for the Treatment and Recycling of Spent Potlining
AL24 - Impact of the Solidification Rate on Chemical Composition of Frozen Cryolite Bath
AL25 - Investigation of the Frozen Bath Layer under Cold Anodes
AL26 - Properties of Lithium Modified Baths for Hall-Héroult Cells
AL27 - Flotation and Infiltration of Artificial Alumina Rafts on the Surface of Molten Cryolite
AL28 - Development of a New Type of Cathode for Aluminium Electrolysis
AL29 - A New Lining Material for Aluminum Electrolysis Cells that Can be Recycled
AL30 - Assessment of the Thermodynamic Stability of Thermal Insulating Materials in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells
AL31 - Role of Pitting in the Formation of Potholes in Carbon Cathodes – A Review
AL32 - A Bypass Bridge Design for the Installation of Additional Cells in an Operating Potline
AL33 - Electroslag Welding (ESW) - A New Option for Welding Aluminum Bus Bars in Smelters
AL34 - Contact Resistance versus Pressure of Electrical Connections Used in Aluminium Smelter Potlines
AL35 - Modelling and Engineering Experience of EGA in Brown Field Modernisation of Aluminium Smelters
AL36 - Validation of Anode Model for Voltage Drop Mitigation Studies
AL37 - In Situ Investigation of Current Distribution in the Anode
AL38 - Application of Boron Oxide as Protective Surface Treatment of Carbon Anodes
AL39 - New Busbar Network Concepts Taking Advantage of Copper Collector Bars to Reduce Busbar Weight and Increase Cell Power Efficiency
DS01 - Hot Top Mould for Casting Aluminium T-Bar
DS02 - Influence of Impurities and Gassing on the Tensile Properties of 2xx Sand Cast Al - Cu Alloys
DS03 - The Influence of Tool Geometry on Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded AA-2024 and AA-2198 Joints
DS04 - Surface Analysis Study of Laser Marking of Aluminum
DS05 - The Effects of Friction Stir Welding Parameters on the Characteristics of Banded Structure for Aluminum Alloys
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AL07 - Using SPC Method to Design an Aluminum Fluoride Addition Strategy for Aluminium Electrolysis

Authors: Kang Zihua, Luo Xianqing , Chen Shiyue, Cao Bin, Ron Etzion, David S. Wong, Aswin Narayanan and Cha Kefu

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