About Us


The International Committee for Study of Bauxite, Alumina & Aluminium


(Approved on 03/10/2017)

ICSOBA is governed by Bylaws. The Bylaws are ICSOBA's cornerstone, they guide the organization through the decision-making process since its beginning. The first Bylaws as assembled by Miroslav Karsulin (Secretary General) and Jean Papastamatiou (President) were published on 1 October, 1964.

As and when required, ICSOBA Board is proposing Bylaws amendments which are debated and submitted to vote during annual Annual Meeting of Members. Every member can suggest Bylaws amendment during this meeting.

The most recent Bylaws as amended and proposed at the Annual Meeting of members on October 14, 2022 in Athens, Greece can be downloaded here.

ICSOBA Knowledge Dissemination Policy
(Approved on 24/07/2019)

ICSOBA acknowledges the importance of knowledge dissemination and deploys all efforts to maximize the impact of the knowledge and know-how developed and shared by its members. In this regard, the submitted papers are first subjected to a rigorous peer-review and edition processes. The papers are then collected in a single volume (Travaux), both in Hard Copy and Electronic formats, which are given to all delegates prior to each annual conference. Travaux is indexed in a number of scientific databases; i.e. Google Scholar, … ICSOBA is proud of its priceless documentation which consists of 36 volumes of Travaux collected over more than 50 years.

The knowledge is not limited only to the papers and each presenter provides a presentation file as a support for his/her talk. These files usually contain additional information, necessary for better understanding of the results. The presentations are also collected prior to the conference, subjected to the edition process, and given to all delegates prior to each annual conference.

Besides the important technical data and knowledge generated by the authors each year, ICSOBA has access to an extremely wide expertise of its members, covering the whole industry; from Bauxite to Ingot. The wide expertise of ICSOBA members includes all aspects of the industry; i.e. fundamental science, applied science & technology, market, environment, etc. As such, ICSOBA is considered as a tremendous library of people and their related expertise. Having access to this library, one could address almost all hurdles of the field.

ICSOBA members enjoy these knowledge and database at different levels, as summarized in Table below:

ICSOBA advantages/offers

Corporate members
Delegates/ members

Current year ICSOBA conference

Abstract download prior to the event via ICSOBA Whova app
PDF file of the ICSOBA proceeeding in USB key
PDF file of the presentations in USB key
Purchase hard copy of proceeding 350 US$ 350 US$ 350 US$
(if available)
List of experts via ICSOBA directors
Download of the individual papers via ICSOBA website Free with registration
Download of the proceeding via ICSOBA website 100 US$
Download of the presentations PDF file via ICSOBA website

Past ICSOBA Conferences

Download of the individual papers via ICSOBA website Free Free with registration
Download of the proceeding via ICSOBA website 50 US$ 100 US$
Download of the presentation PDF file via ICSOBA website
Purchase hard copy of proceeding (if available) 350 US$ 350 US$ 350 US$
List of experts via ICSOBA directors

Current year ICSOBA conference should be understood as “last ICSOBA annual conference" and for a request date included "between the first day of this conference till the eve of following year annual conference”

Corporate Member should be understood as “Corporate Member up to date of its membership fees at the date of request”

Delegate / Member should be understood as “last ICSOBA annual conference delegate from the first day of this conference till the eve of following year annual conference” or “Individual Member up to date of its affiliation fees at the date of request”

Public: all other situations

Free with registration should be understood as:
The applicant is invited to fill in a form on the website including personal reference (firstname, surname, ..), professionnal affiliation, job title, email and registration to ICSOBA newsletter.
With this satisfied, the applicant can download the single paper he/she is looking for.

ICSOBA Publication Policy
(Approved by the Supervisory Board on 10/06/2024)

TRAVAUX is the unique name for ICSOBA Conference Proceedings, which contain the conference papers according to the following rules:

1. Editors

  • TRAVAUX Proceedings have a Program Director and Subjects Organizers who are recognized experts in the field. The full names and affiliations of the editors are provided on the ICSOBA website www.ICSOBA.org.

2. Authors

  • There are no fees or charges for manuscript processing and/or publishing papers in TRAVAUX. Templates for abstracts, papers and presentations, as well as the submission procedures are clearly stated on the website. Authors must comply with the templates;
  • All abstracts, papers and presentations are reviewed in order to guarantee high quality and the authors should follow corrections and instructions from the reviewers;
  • Citations of the text or figures should be referenced;
  • Financial support and permission to publish can be acknowledged;
  • Acknowledgment can be given to contributors to the paper or research who are not the authors;
  • Authors should make sure that the published material has been reviewed and authorized by the companies or organizations contributing to the technical material or who gave financial support for the published research;
  • If some of the content of a paper has been already published before, most of the material must be new for an ICSOBA paper; otherwise the paper will be refused.

3. Review process

  • Subject Organizers are responsible for the review process in their subject. They can be assisted by nominated reviewers. The Program Director is responsible for the review of Keynote papers;
  • The review process assures high technical quality of papers and presentations, as well as uniform formatting, defined in templates;
  • Reviewers should avoid conflict of interest with authors;
  • Reviewers should point out relevant published work which is not cited in the paper;
  • Reviewers should keep the papers confidential until they are published.

4. Publication Ethics

  • ICSOBA considers all original research manuscripts reporting scientifically sound experiments and providing a substantial amount of new information in the Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium fields. When the presentation of some already-published materials is judged to be useful for the comprehension and the integrity of the manuscript, ICSOBA may accept that the authors include in their manuscript some already-published materials together with their new research / industrial application results.
  • The authors are responsible for respecting the copyrights and obtaining all authorizations for using the already-published materials.
  • The reviewer / subject organizer of ICSOBA can refuse the manuscripts in case of excessive and unnecessary use of already published materials.
  • The authors warrant that they are the sole authors of the article. The authors also warrant that the article does not libel anyone, invade anyone's copyright, patent, or trade secret rights, or otherwise violate applicable law. The authors agree to indemnify ICSOBA against any claim or action alleging facts that, if true, constitute a breach of any of the foregoing warranties.

5. Copyright

  • By submitting an article to ICSOBA the authors grant the right for it to be first published in TRAVAUX in both printed and digital format.
  • After the initial print publication, ICSOBA maintains a continuous but non-exclusive license to distribute the article in digital format on its website and to include the article in anthologies.
  • The authors retain the copyright to their article reserving for themselves, among other things, unlimited right of electronic distribution, and the right to license the work to other publishers, which could be done only one year after the article has been published in ICSOBA TRAVAUX and it should be explicitly mentioned in which ICSOBA TRAVAUX it was published. This period can only be reduced with the express authorization of the ICSOBA's Executive Committee.

6. Archiving

  • ICSOBA has archived all the past TRAVAUX which can be made available on request to ICSOBA.

7. The Use of AI and AI-Assisted Technologies

  • The authors should only use AI assistance to enhance language and readability. AI tools cannot be used to replace interpretation skills and critical thinking to reach meaningful scientific conclusions. The author(s) should carefully review the paper content and take(s) full responsibility for the content of their paper.

8. Author Registration to the Conference

  • At least one of the authors shall register for the conference and clear off all registration fees no later than 60 days before the conference begins, i.e. the date the conference program is released.
  • If none of the authors have registered by this deadline, the organizers may choose not to publish their paper in TRAVAUX, the conference proceedings book, and it will not be available on the Whova application or ICSOBA online library.

9. The Presentation of the Paper at the Conference

  • At least one of the authors must be registered as a "speaker" or "participant" and attend the conference in person to present the paper.
  • If, due to last-minute reasons beyond their control, none of the authors can attend the conference, at least one of the authors must register as an "online" participant and submit the PowerPoint presentation. A substitute speaker should be found. The online participant will be available to answer questions about the paper and presentation using the Whova app.

ICSOBA Conference General Policies
(Approved on 10/06/2023)

By registering for this conference, attendees agree to the terms and conditions of the following ICSOBA Conference General Policies:


Attendee assumes all risks and accepts the sole responsibility, and releases, discharges and holds harmless ICSOBA, its officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives, for any injury or death, damages, claims loss, liability or expenses of any kind, whether or not resulting from the omissions, errors or negligence of ICSOBA, its officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives, that attendee may incur while attending, visiting or participating in the ICSOBA conference.



Attendee hereby waives any claim attendee may have against ICSOBA and its officers, directors, employees, or agents, or against the presenters or speakers, for reliance on any information presented.


Attendees of the conference are not permitted to audio or video record sessions without the express written permission of ICSOBA.


ICSOBA intends to take photographs and videos of this conference for use in ICSOBA newsletters and promotional material, in print, electronic and other media, including the ICSOBA website and social media accounts. By participating in this conference, attendee grants ICSOBA the right to use any image, photograph, voice or likeness, without limitation, in its promotional materials and publicity efforts without compensation. All media become the property of ICSOBA. Media may be displayed, distributed or used by ICSOBA for advertising purpose.



Attendees who have signed up for the field trip during the ICSOBA conference additionally agree to abide to:


In case of emergency if the attendee is unable to consent to emergency medical treatment, then:


(a) Attendee hereby consents to examination or treatment by any emergency response personnel or any health professional duly license to provide health care service in the conference country, and/or by any physician duly licensed to practice medicine in the conference country, for medical care and services deemed necessary by such doctor or health care professional, any hospital and any of their agents, servants, and employees.

(b) Attendee gives permission to the doctor or health care provisional to provide all medical care they deem, in their professional opinion, to be necessary.

(c) Attendee agrees to pay for all medical expenses incurred as a result of the use of this consent.


Attendee further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless ICSOBA, its or each of their officers, directors, employees, and representatives, and any of their subcontractors, including any transportation provider, in their individual and official capacities, from liability for the injury or death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from attendee’s negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in the field trip.



Specifically relating to the global COVID-19 pandemic, attendee acknowledges the highly contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assumes the risk of exposure or infection by attending the ICSOBA conference, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, disability, and/or death to attendee. Attendee understands that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at the ICSOBA conference may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of others who may attend the event or their families, colleagues, or others with whom they may have contact.


Attendee agrees to release any claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of ICSOBA, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in the ICSOBA conference.