40th International Conference and Exhibition ICSOBA 2022










field trips


  • The 40th International Conference and Exhibition of ICSOBA (The International Committee for Study of Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium) was held from 10 to 14 October 2022 at the Radisson Blu Park hotel in Athens, Greece and online.
  • The conference covered bauxite, alumina, bauxite residue, carbon for aluminium electrolysis, aluminium production and sustainability in a variety of technical sessions. The program included 11 high-caliber keynote speakers and 123 technical papers.
  • The Conference obtained support from Mytilineos, the host sponsor and attracted over 300 delegates from 34 countries.
  • The selection of Athens, Greece for the 40th International Conference and Exhibition ICSOBA 2022, follows ICSOBA’s practice of rotating the venue of its international meetings to countries that play an important role in the global aluminium industry. This was the second ICSOBA conference in Athens and the third in Greece in the history of ICSOBA.
  • The conference was for the first time organized for a hybrid audience, with the in-person part held in Athens and the virtual part online in as real-time broadcast of all presentations for the delegates who could not attend in-person. However, all conference presenters traveled to Athens to deliver their presentation physically.
  • To continuously innovate and contribute to a better practical knowledge sharing within the industry, live streaming of the conference from a single platform (Whova) was introduced this year enabling interaction between on-site and online participants.
  • ICSOBA, in its vision and commitment to cooperate with other conferences and better serve the aluminium industry, joined forces this year with the 4th International Bauxite Residue Valorization and Best Practices Conference (BR2022) and with the Final RemovAL Cross-Fertilisation Workshop, coordinated by European Aluminium Association (EAA); the latter took place on 10 October 2022. The International Aluminium Institute (IAI) also benefited from this gathering of technologists from around the world to hold its Bauxite & Alumina Committee Meeting and a Workshop on Decarbonization in Refining on 9 October 2022.
  • During the Conference, an Exhibition of latest technologies, equipment and other devices for the bauxite, alumina and aluminium industry took place with 7 participating companies. The last day of the conference saw field trips to Agios Nikolaos alumina refinery and smelter.
  • As usual, all papers published in the TRAVAUX No. 51 conference proceedings, as well as the presentations, will be accessible from the ICSOBA website at https://icsoba.org/proceedings/.
  • In addition to publication in TRAVAUX No. 51, all ICSOBA authors were invited to submit their manuscript to a topical collection in the Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy (JSM): https://www.springer.com/journal/40831 with a 2020 impact factor of 2.35.
  • The forum proved once again that ICSOBA provides a unique platform to information exchange on the latest innovations and contributes profoundly to knowledge dissemination in our industry.
  • We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed to the conference this year. In addition, we are deeply grateful to the partners and sponsors who have worked with us at all stages of this important industry event. With 42 Corporate Members and 15 Sponsors (Mytilineos, EGA, Rio Tinto, Hydro, Alba, Hatch, Hindalco, Nalco Water, Tokai Cobex, Fives, Metso:Outotec, Rain Carbon, Simonsen, Sohar Aluminium, Trimet) the organizers of ICSOBA 2022 are humbled by this realization.

ICSOBA 2022 Programme

The ICSOBA 2022 conference program included over 120 technical papers and 11 high profile keynote speakers from leading global companies and institutions.

Sunday, 9 October meeting of the Bauxite and Alumina Committee of International Aluminium Institute was held.

Monday, 10 October covered the Final RemovAL Cross-Fertilisation Workshop.

The technical session of ICSOBA conference took place for 3 days on 11, 12 and 13 October:

  • Three streams (Bauxite & Alumina, Bauxite Residue, Carbon and Aluminium) ran in parallel,
  • 3-4 keynotes, 22 technical presentations for Bauxite & Alumina and Bauxite Residue and 19 technical presentations for Carbon and Aluminium were conducted and broadcast each day,
  • Each presentation was followed by Q&A session. Both, the presentations and Q&A sessions were broadcast online.

BR-2022 was broadcast in the afternoon each day.

Keynote Speakers:

Pierre Meynard

Pierre Meynard

Institute for the History of Aluminium, Paris, France
Short Bio
KN02 - Aluminium Heritage
Ron Knapp

Ron Knapp

Former International Aluminium Institute (IAI) secretary general, International adviser, office of the Chairman,
China Hongqiao Group Limited, Hongkong, China
Short Bio
KN04 - China Hongqiao Group – A Leading Global Aluminum Producer Moving From Heavy To Zero Carbon
Les Edwards

Les Edwards

Vice President Production Control and Technical Services,
Rain Carbon Inc., Covington, LA, USA
Short Bio
KN06 - Quantifying the Carbon Footprint of the Alouette Primary Aluminum Smelter
Anupam Agnihotri

Anupam Agnihotri

Jawaharlal Nehru Aluminium Research Development & Design Centre (JNARDDC), Nagpur, India
Short Bio
KN07 - Framework to Drive Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy in Indian Aluminium Sector
Chris Baker

Chris Baker

Director – Refining Technology,
Alcoa, Perth, Australia
Short Bio
KN08 - Performance Improvement in Alumina Refineries
Alan Clark

Alan Clark

Founder and director,
CM Group, Glenelg, South Australia
Short Bio
KN09 - The Outlook for third Party Bauxite Trade and the Potential Impacts of Country Policies
Uday Patel

Uday Patel

Senior Research Manager, Global Aluminium Markets,
Wood Mackenzie, London, United Kingdom
Short Bio
KN10 - The Outlook for the Aluminium Market in an Uncertain World
Lavinya Kugaswaran

Lavinya Kugaswaran

Environment (Bauxite & Alumina) Program Manager,
International Aluminium Institute, London, UK
Short Bio
KN11 - Sustainable Development: Bauxite and Alumina
Pierre Meynard

Pierre Meynard

Ron Knapp

Ron Knapp

Les Edwards

Les Edwards

Anupam Agnihotri

Anupam Agnihotri

Chris Baker

Chris Baker

Alan Clark

Alan Clark

Uday Patel

Uday Patel

Lavinya Kugaswaran

Lavinya Kugaswaran

Companies that have submitted technical papers for ICSOBA 2022

Technical Committee

Paper selections and reviews will be made by ICSOBA Technical Committee under the leadership of Program Director and Subject Organisers


SubjectSubject organizerReviewers
Keynote, SustainabilityMichel ReverdyMichel Reverdy and Vinko Potocnik
Bauxite & AluminaAndrey PanovBijoy Satpathy, Georgy Banvolgyi, Frank Feret, Ken Evans, Linus Perander, Monique Delaney, Roberto Seno, Sebastien Fortin, Seyit Avcu, Stephan Beaulieu, Sharif Jahanshahi, Wlademir Penna
Bauxite ResidueThymis BalomenosBijoy Satpathy, Georgy Banvolgyi, Frank Feret, Ken Evans, Linus Perander, Monique Delaney, Roberto Seno, Sebastien Fortin, Seyit Avcu, Stephan Beaulieu, Sharif Jahanshahi, Wlademir Penna
AluminiumVinko PotocnikAndré-Felipe Schneider, B.K. Kakkar, Dagoberto Severo, Kristian Etienne Einarsrud, Suresh Dubey, Yasar Kocaefe and Vinko Potocnik
CarbonHoushang AlamdariCamilla Sommersetch, Donald Ziegler, Duygu Kocaefe, Gøril Jahrsengene

ICSOBA 2022 President

ICSOBA 2022 President

Spiros Kasdas

Vice-Chairman, Mytilineos
Short Bio
The importance of ICSOBA’s role is illustrated by the “bauxite to aluminium” production activity of the 2022 conference host, Mytilineos S.A. It has preserved its competitiveness over 5 decades through successive operational and technological improvements. In this journey, ICSOBA's events and "Travaux" papers have been a valuable source of inspiration
About ICSOBA presidents

Final RemovAL Cross-Fertilisation Workshop

The final RemovAL Cross-Fertilisation Workshop, organized by European Aluminium, took place on 10 October as a freely accessible hybrid event.


RemovAL is an EU H2020 project which aims to valorise bauxite residue, spent pot lining and other waste through new innovative processing routes. This final event will mainly focus on presenting how to turn bauxite residue and other aluminium industrial residues into valuable resources. In this context, non-technological enablers, cross-fertilisation opportunities between EU projects and industry, and other aspects (policy, societal) were discussed for boosting the sustainability and circularity of alumina refineries.

For more information and registration, please visit https://european-aluminium.eu/resource-hub/removal-cross-fertilisation-conference/.


Special focus on Bauxite Residue valorisation in association with redmud.org

The 4th International Bauxite Residue Valorisation and Best Practices Conference focused on the efforts that have already successfully reached high technological readiness. Thus the conference included 12 presentations, with a particular format: 20 min dedicated on slides, 20 min on live or recorded presentation of the pilot plant scale installation and 20 min for questions. We believe that by doing so, we bring the community closer together and we accelerate the big-scale use and application of bauxite residue.

On-site participants of ICSOBA conference in Athens had the opportunity to watch to the BR2022 in main hall of the conference venue. To access the conference materials and to participate online, one should register for BR2022 at their website. 

For more information, please visit https://conference2022.redmud.org/.

IAI BAC Meeting

Bauxite & Alumina Committee meeting and Workshop on decarbonisation in refining was held by International Aluminium Institute (IAI) on 9 October before the ICSOBA 2022. This very important meeting united representatives of major players in Bauxite & Alumina globally.

The International Aluminium Institute (IAI) is the only body representing the global primary aluminium industry. The IAI was established in 1972. Current IAI membership includes global bauxite, alumina and aluminium companies in all the major producing regions. Please visit the IAI site for more details https://international-aluminium.org/

2022 Conference Satisfaction Survey

An online satisfaction survey (which begun in 2016) was again carried out shortly after ICSOBA 2022. As this conference was the first ICSOBA hybrid conference with a physical part after several years, a significant number of 42 questions relating to the onsite and virtual aspects of the conference were asked. The feedback that the ICSOBA Board obtained from the survey is highly valuable and can be summarized as follows:

  • A response rate confirms strong interest of ICSOBA delegates to provide feedback. 132 answers were collected (42 % response rate) which ensures a good representativity of the results.
  • The survey attendance was a perfect 50/50 split between Bauxite & Alumina stream and Carbon & Smelting.
  • With 38 % response rate, producers were again the most represented.
  • The overall rating of the conference “very good” was 78 % and only 2.5 % was “under average”.
  • We noted with great satisfaction that the rating of the quality of technical papers increased again (80 % for innovative content and 73 % for applicability). Networking was highly appreciated (78 % with only 2% under average) and many comments requested more time and proper “Networking breaks”
  • Whova platform obtained an overwhelming support (90 %) with many good comments for further improvements.
  • The forecast to attend next year’s conference is 72 %, well above the 56 % “historical rating“. 96 % of respondent will recommend ICSOBA conference!

The ICSOBA Board of Directors needed such comprehensive feedback on hybrid ICSOBA 2022 to influence future ICSOBA events to adopt the most efficient and beneficial format.

We received many suggestions regarding all points, from the field trip organization to the conference content and activity development outside of the yearly conference.

Our strategy to pursue alliance with other conference organizers is overwhelmingly supported (83 %).

This gives us great confidence for an improved format in the future. Your contribution is greatly appreciated, and we thank you for your participation in the survey.