42nd International Conference and Exhibition ICSOBA 2024










field trips


The International Committee for Study of Bauxite, Alumina, and Aluminium (ICSOBA) hosted its 42nd International Conference and Exhibition in Lyon, France, from October 27 to 31, 2024, at the Lyon Convention Centre and the adjacent Marriott Hotel.

Lyon and the surrounding region hold a special place in the history of aluminium: bauxite was first discovered nearby at Les Baux-de-Provence by Pierre Berthier, and pioneering contributions from Paul Héroult further propelled the industry. It was here that the foundations of the aluminium sector were laid, and France has remained a leading force in its development ever since. Established in 1963 in Zagreb, ICSOBA proudly counts France as one of its six founding members.

Over the years, the organizers of ICSOBA have made substantial efforts to enhance this forum, ensuring both its growth and quality. Originally focused on bauxite, the conference gradually expanded to include alumina, and later, electrolysis, carbon, bauxite residue. In 2023, the conference broadened its scope even further to encompass the rapidly growing field of casting operations. 

This year, a special panel discussion, titled "Specialty Hydrate & Alumina - Where Next?", was held as part of the alumina session. Additionally, two simultaneous Short Courses were offered, covering the Bayer process and electrolysis, respectively.

There were 570 participants on site and 160 speakers, which had never happened before. An exhibition of the latest technologies, equipment and services was held with 18 participants. The last day of the conference was devoted to field visits to the Gardanne alumina refinery, the Trimet smelter in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and the Aluminium Dunkerque smelter.

In terms of quality, ICSOBA participants enjoyed a rich experience in a dynamic environment, engaging with top-tier speakers and presentations. The live broadcast through the Whova platform continued this year, enabling interaction between onsite and online participants, enhancing accessibility and engagement. Additionally, the 2 000-page TRAVAUX proceedings reached a new level of editorial excellence.

Nine Best Paper awards were presented to outstanding authors across the Bauxite, Alumina, Bauxite Residue, Electrodes, Aluminium, and Casthouse Operation Subject as well as one Special Mention paper for each subject. This year, ICSOBA also sponsored the participation of eight students, supporting the next generation of industry professionals.

The conference is increasingly becoming a “gathering hub” for the global aluminium community, with ICSOBA’s partners organizing dedicated meetings alongside the main event. This year, the European Aluminium Association (EAA) hosted a ReActiv project workshop, while the International Aluminium Institute (IAI) once again held its Bauxite & Alumina Committee (BAC) meeting on the conference’s opening day. Additionally, on Friday, 1 November, the Comprehensive Use of Red Mud (CURM) workshop—sponsored by Chinalco and Rio Tinto, organized by the Chinese Nonferrous Metals Industry Association (CNIA), and supported by IAI—brought together experts to explore advancements in this field.

The organizers would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed at every stage of this significant industry event. They extend their deepest gratitude to the sponsors, exhibitors, corporate members, organizers, and volunteers, whose dedication and hard work made this event possible.

Once again, the forum demonstrated that ICSOBA offers a unique platform for exchanging information on the latest innovations, making a significant contribution to knowledge dissemination in our industry. As always, all papers published in TRAVAUX No. 53 Book, along with the presentations, are accessible on the ICSOBA website at https://icsoba.org/proceedings/.

ICSOBA 2024 Program

With over 160 technical and keynote presentations, ICSOBA 2024 was organised as 3-days technical conference arranged in 4 streams with one full day for technical field trips.

  • Sunday 27 October pm – registration, welcome reception,
  • Monday 28 October to Wednesday 30 October – Keynotes and technical sessions,
  • Tuesday 29 October – Gala Dinner,
  • Thursday 31 October - Field trips.

Keynote Speakers of ICSOBA 2024:

Guillaume Bastien

Guillaume Bastien

Vice President,
Alteo, Gardanne, France
Short Bio
Alteo Gardanne Refinery -130 years of Adaptation to Meet the Dual Challenge of Environmental Protection and Added Value
Alan Clark

Alan Clark

Founder and a director,
CM Group, Glenelg, South Australia
Short Bio
Guinea’s Golden Decade of Bauxite Export Growth
Perrine Faye

Perrine Faye

Global head of Editorial & Pricing,
Fastmarkets, London, United Kingdom
Short Bio
Low-carbon Aluminium: Market Dynamics and Pathway to Green Transition
Sylvie Fraysse

Sylvie Fraysse

General Manager, Aluminium Technology Solutions,
Rio Tinto, Voreppe, France
Short Bio
Rio Tinto, The Organization Facing Aluminium’s Technological and Environmental Challenges
Guillaume de Goÿs

Guillaume de Goÿs

Aluminium Dunkerque, Loon-Plage, France
Short Bio
Pioneering Sustainable Aluminium: Aluminium Dunkerque's Decarbonization and Partnership Strategy
Alex Lowery

Alex Lowery

General Manager,
Wise Chem, New Albany, Ohio, USA
Short Bio
Preventing Molten Metal Explosions in Smelters
Loïc Maenner

Loïc Maenner

Managing Director,
TRIMET France. Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France
Short Bio
10 Years of TRIMET France, A Success Story
Tim Murray

Tim Murray

Chief Executive Officer,
Cardinal Virtues Consulting, Mechanicsville, Virginia, United States
Short Bio
Creating a Safety Culture
Uday Patel

Uday Patel

Senior Research Manager, Global Aluminium Markets, Wood Mackenzie,
London, United Kingdom
Short Bio
Aluminium Market Outlook: Reaching an Inflection Point?
Marion Perrin

Marion Perrin

Chief Development Officer Europe, ,
Energy Pool Development France, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France
Short Bio
Opening the Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve Markets in Europe: An Opportunity for Electrolyzers
Miles Prosser

Miles Prosser

Secretary General,,
International Aluminium Institute, London, United Kingdom
Short Bio
Can the Aluminium Industry Meet Global Climate Change Targets?
Kanakanand Sokkuraj

Kanakanand Sokkuraj

President & Head of Manufacturing Centre of Excellence, ,
Hindalco Industries Limited, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Short Bio
Journey of Hindalco as an Integrated Aluminium Producer
Guillaume Bastien

Guillaume Bastien

Alan Clark

Alan Clark

Perrine Faye

Perrine Faye

Sylvie Fraysse

Sylvie Fraysse

Guillaume de Goÿs

Guillaume de Goÿs

Alex Lowery

Alex Lowery

Loïc Maenner

Loïc Maenner

Tim Murray

Tim Murray

Uday Patel

Uday Patel

Marion Perrin

Marion Perrin

Miles Prosser

Miles Prosser

Kanakanand Sokkuraj

Kanakanand Sokkuraj

Technical Committee

With Bernard Allais and Michel Reverdy as Program Directors, the ICSOBA 2024 Technical Committee was composed as follows:


SubjectSubject organizerReviewers
KeynoteMichel Reverdy and Bernard AllaisMichel Reverdy and Vinko Potocnik
Bauxite & AluminaAndrey Panov and Sébastien FortinJose Erik Araujo, Seyit Avcu, Georgy Banvolgyi, Stephan Beaulieu, Laurent Birry, Nicolas-Alexandre Bouchard, Anthony Canfell, John Clark, Tom Connor, Ken Evans, Frank Feret, Luc Fortin, Jose Gomes, Errol Jaeger, Sharif Jahanshahi, Evandro Leao, Jean Larocque, Dan Manché, Marcelo Montini, Lance Myers, Wlademir Penna, Linus Perander, Michael Reid, Diego Rosani, Roberto Seno, David Southwood-Jones and Michael Zieba
Bauxite ResidueEfthymios BalomenosJose Erik Araujo, Seyit Avcu, Georgy Banvolgyi, Stephan Beaulieu, Laurent Birry, Nicolas-Alexandre Bouchard, Anthony Canfell, John Clark, Tom Connor, Ken Evans, Frank Feret, Luc Fortin, Jose Gomes, Errol Jaeger, Sharif Jahanshahi, Evandro Leao, Jean Larocque, Dan Manché, Marcelo Montini, Lance Myers, Wlademir Penna, Linus Perander, Michael Reid, Diego Rosani, Roberto Seno, David Southwood-Jones and Michael Zieba
ElectrodesHoushang AlamdariFrancesco Baccala, Hans Darmstadt, Yaseen Elkasabi, Asem Hussein, Gøril Jahrsengene, Duygu Kocaefe, Christopher Kuhnt, Edouard Mofor, Simon Laliberté-Riverin, Julien Lauzon-Gauthier, Alireza Sadeghi and Donald Ziegler
Aluminium ElectrolysisVinko Potocnik and Dagoberto SeveroBertrand Alano, Eliezer Batista, Stephan Broek, Carolina Daviou, Sylvain Fardeau, Vanderlei Gusberti, B.K. Kakkar, Jeff Keniry, Yasar Kocaefe, Halvor Kvande, Pierre Marcellin, Pablo Navarro, Vinko Potocnik, Till Reek, Hervé Roustan, André-Felipe Schneider, and Alton Tabereaux
Smelter Casthouse OperationJoseph LanglaisFrancis Breton, Pascal Gauthier, Abdulla Kalban, Daniel Larouche, Alexandre Maltais, Serge Risser, Gaston Riverin, Jayson Tessier, Martijn Vos and Jacob Whitsitt

ICSOBA 2024 President

ICSOBA 2024 President

Guillaume de Goÿs

CEO, Aluminium Dunkerque
Short Bio
More than 200 years ago, in the south of France, geologist Pierre Berthier discovered a mineral containing more than 50% aluminium oxide - later known as bauxite, after the French village where it was found: "Les Baux de Provence". In 1854, Henri Sainte-Claire Deville carried out the first industrial production of aluminium in Paris. In 1859, he published a work on aluminium in which he predicted its future use: "Aluminium will probably become an everyday metal". Since then, France is proud to be part of the industrial history of alumina and aluminium. Therefore, on behalf of Alteo , Aluminium Dunkerque , Rio Tinto and Trimet, as well as the entire "Aluminium France" association, I have the honor and the pleasure to welcome you to the 42nd edition of ICSOBA. We are convinced that sharing our work and our knowledge will contribute to finding better ways to produce the aluminium the world needs to become even more sustainable. I wish you a good and fruitful conference!
About ICSOBA Presidents

IAI BAC Meeting

The Bauxite & Alumina Committee (BAC) meeting and project meetings was held by the International Aluminium Institute on Sunday 27th October before the ICSOBA 2024 conference.

The International Aluminium Institute (IAI) is the only body representing the global primary aluminium industry. The IAI was established in 1972. Current IAI membership includes global bauxite, alumina and aluminium companies in all major producing regions. Please visit the IAI site for more details https://international-aluminium.org

International Forum for the Comprehensive Utilisation of Red Mud (CURM)

The utilisation of bauxite residue is a key issue for the sustainable development of the alumina industry and is a global challenge that the international community are striving to address. To build on international cooperation, promote technical knowledge sharing and to drive collaborative innovation, the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association and the International Aluminium Institute, supported by China Aluminium Corporation and Rio Tinto Group, jointly held the 2024 International Forum on Comprehensive Utilisation of Red Mud in Lyon, France, from 31st October to 1st November, following the ICSOBA event. This forum provided opportunities to exchange and discuss the latest trends management and utilisation of bauxite residue. 

See the event website for more details http://www.cmice.vip/web/category/index?id=24.


2024 Conference Satisfaction Survey

Our now traditional satisfaction survey was carried out shortly after the Conference.

ICSOBA 2024 had 611 participants from all around the world (47 countries represented) including 578 onsite and 33 online as well as 18 exhibitors’ stands.

The feedback obtained from the survey is highly valuable and your contribution is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your participation which led to a 30% response rate.

The responses from the survey can be summarized as follows:

  • Seen through the survey lens, the conference attendance was tilted towards the smelter streams (including the casthouse operations) with a 65%/35% split.
  • Producers are representing 45% of the respondents followed by equipment and technology suppliers at 30%.
  • The global rating of the conference is very good (80%).
  • We noted with satisfaction that the rating of the quality of technical papers remains very high, above 80%. Keynotes rating is unchanged from last year at 80%.
  • We kept the structure of the program (4 streams, 3x3 keynotes) and modified some part of the rolling out (time for introduction, integration of topical into the domains…) all of which has been well received.
  • Networking was highly appreciated (87 %) and several useful comments were given to improve this aspect of the conference.
  • Exhibition is not seen as ICSOBA’s forte, and it reflects in the rating of 53% positive opinion as well as the comments received about strengthening this part.
  • Social events were highly appreciated (73 % positive) so were the field trips even if they meant long travels. Also we experienced “sold out” conditions which proved difficult to satisfactorily managed in real time during the conference.
  • Whova platform was highly used mainly for agenda followed by participant’s list/search for and messages. Several suggestions for improving its usefulness during the conference were given and will need to be worked on with the App supplier.
  • This year we continued using ConfTool and we introduced some changes in the way we manage the conference registration to ease some processes.  We are comforted in these changes by the positive feedback received.
  • 98 % of respondents will recommend attending ICSOBA conference!

We also received very useful feedback on suggestions and potential initiatives to further make ICSOBA “the technology conference of the aluminium industry for the aluminium industry”.

ICSOBA management will now take on board all these comments and suggestions to define ICSOBA 2025 and beyond conference’s content and format.

This gives us great confidence for the future. Thank you again for our contribution.