

The International Committee for Study of Bauxite, Alumina & Aluminium

Associated organisations

Associated Organisations, both at international, regional and national level, are organisations organising specific events in the field of production of bauxite, alumina, aluminium, the recycling of aluminium, or fabrication of aluminium.


Those organisations purposes are:


  • Propose topics and agenda of interest for the aluminium industry
  • Provide high calibre speakers and attractive venue
  • In order to gather a large audience around their event and make the event sustainable




Both organisations have identified a framework of cooperation, the partnership, within the aluminium sector. The objectives of this partnership, which are generally captured in a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU), are to contribute to the industrial knowledge base and to stimulate economic activities along the aluminium value chain.


Example of condition of interest


In the specific case of Associated Organisation, the partnership is dedicated to a specific purpose and it is an ad-hoc contract.