Dr. Abdulla Habib Ahmed is currently Chief Operations Officer, Aluminium of Bahrain (Alba). His work experience includes 25 years in various roles in Reduction Lines, R&D and Customers Technical Support. He has PhD in Chemical Engineering and Master in Aluminium Smelting and MBA from ESSEC/ French Arabian School and had his higher education from University of New South Wales, Australia.
Gobinda Gopal Pal is Chief Operating Officer (Metal), Vedanta Ltd., Jharsuguda, India. With 32+ years of experience in Indian and global aluminium companies like NALCO, BALCO and BHP Billiton, GG Pal is championing Vedanta Aluminium’s vision for Jharsuguda operations to emerge as the world’s lowest-cost and most energy-efficient smelter. Under his leadership, the Jharsuguda smelter became the first in Asia and second in the world to receive ISO 50001 (Energy Management System) certification. G. G. Pal has B.E. Metallurgy degree (1987) from National Institute of Technology Durgapur. He is life member of Indian Institute of Metals and Member of Indian Chamber of Commerce, Odisha and he is a recipient of the prestigious ‘IIM NALCO Gold Medal’.
Paul Adkins is the Managing Director of AZ China Ltd. and has many years of experience in the aluminium industry. He previously worked for Alcoa, Alcan Australia, and Tomago Aluminium. At the end of 2004, Alcan appointed him to set up its Global Sourcing office in Beijing. Upon completion of that project, he elected to stay in Beijing, eventually establishing AZ China. Paul has an MBA from University of Newcastle in Australia and frequently speaks at industry-related conferences.
Chris Bayliss is the Deputy Secretary General of the International Aluminium Institute. He has 18 years industry experience working on sustainability and climate related issues. Currently, Chris is taking forward the industry’s greenhouse gas pathways and health portfolios. In the last two decades, Chris has been involved in all aspects of the Institute’s activities, from data analysis to communication, and has led on the global aluminium material flow model, life cycle metrics and The Aluminium Story. Chris holds master’s degrees from the Universities of Cambridge and London.
Uday Patel has 30 years of experience in the metals and mining sector covering aluminium and other metals. He has joined Wood Mackenzie in 2014 as manager in the aluminium markets team. His industry experience includes Ma’aden Saudi Arabia, DUBAL. During his career he has worked on a range of projects across the entire aluminium value chain, including detailed market studies, cost analyses and strategic advisory work for clients including rolled producers, aluminium processing companies and financial organisations. Uday is a graduate of the London Business School’s executive management programme, Sussex University and the University of Exeter.
Carl Firman is a global expert in the bauxite and alumina space, covering markets, costs and corporate strategy. He is responsible for Wood Mackenzie’s Bauxite & Alumina Cost Services and Bauxite Market analysis. Carl has authored and developed extensive bauxite databases and proprietary forecasting tools and models, and is a regular speaker in the upstream aluminium event calendar. He started his career in Metals & Mining 20 years ago, as a multi-metal analyst in Mining Journal Research Services. He has since worked, authored and led teams in a number of Metals & Mining research and consultancy firms culminating in his appointment to Wood Mackenzie in 2012. Carl has a degree on geology from London University.
Jerome Lucaes is currently Marketing Director, Sustainability, at RUSAL. His main responsibilities involve working with customers and stakeholders to accelerate the industry’s transition to zero carbon. Jerome has 22 years of international business experience in sales, marketing, business development, innovation and general management. He spent his last 15 years in the aluminium industry (both downstream and upstream sectors, previously with Rio Tinto Alcan). Jerome was also a co-founder and forefront leader of the early development of the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative. Jerome holds an engineering master’s degree from the French Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and a MBA from Paris.
ICSOBA 2020 President: | Claude Vanvoren |
General Coordination: | Claude Vanvoren, Frank Feret, Andrey Panov, Michel Reverdy, MatthieuArlettaz, HoushangAlamdari, BijoySatpathy, DagobertoSevero |
Program Directors: | Michel Reverdy |
Subject Organisers: | Andrey Panov (alumina) Vinko Potocnik (aluminium) HoushangAlamdari (carbon) |
Reviewers (in addition to Subject Organisers and program directors): | BijoySatpathy, Frank Feret, Carlos Suarez, EfthymiosBalomenos, Linus Perander, Martin Fennell, Roberto Seno, Stephan Beaulieu, Steven Healy Yin Zhonglin, Yves Occello (alumina) André-Felipe Schneider, Bingliang Gao, DagobertoSevero, Kristian Etienne Einarsrud, Stephan Broek, YasarKocaefe (aluminium) Gisele Azimi, DuyguKocaefe, HichamChaouki, Victor Buzunov (carbon) |
No student awards were considered at the virtual ICSOBA 2020 conference. However, for the last several years ICSOBA (registered in the province of Quebec) supports JER (Journée des Étudiants) conference organized by REGAL. At this year virtual conference, the recipient of the ICSOBA price was Mahmoud Osman of McGill University of Montreal.
As every year, an online satisfaction survey was carried out following Virtual ICSOBA 2020. As this conference was a first of its kind, a significant number of the 44 questions dealt with the virtual aspect of the conference. Main results could be summarized as follows: